Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Waiting

Tonight as I sit my desk trying for the umpteenth time trying to decide what to write about for my last blog post as a student teacher, too many thoughts and feelings crowd together. They flood my eyes, spilling out, and splashing down onto my keyboard. They are so tangled that I can't begin to separate them into something that makes sense. The only clarity comes from a record playing on repeat in the recesses of my brain: Tom Petty singing "The Waiting." 

Music marks my life more than minutes, and Tom Petty's voice is one that often sings to me in my dark and difficult hours. Hearing that familiar tune reminded me of how Tom Petty has been there for me before. I recalled writing about "The Waiting" before on my (no longer public) old blog, so I dug up that post and reread it. And it helped some, so I am reposting it here as a reminder to me and anyone else it may comfort. (I'm sure I will write a blog post that actually counts by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday!)

This is how life is. "The Waiting" always comes back around. Don't lose heart, don't give up, and don't forget there are still things to be done and life to live even while you are waiting.

(Post from 8/9/10)
Lately I've been a little low. Overwhelmed with thoughts trying to work their way out of my brain and onto paper (or monitor as is more common these days). Depressed about things I can't write about here and things I could write about that are crowded out by those other things.

I know what I need to do. I keep hearing it in the words of one of the coaches at the local high school. "Git yer mahnd raght!" Dang, I wish I had a video of Coach Ast saying that--or just Caleb doing his Coach Ast impression. But anyway. It's getting there. There's been vast improvement over the weekend. Maybe I'll write about that, but, honestly, it doesn't sound too promising. Or interesting.

One of the things that often helps me is music--so long as it's the right music. The wrong music can just pull me down deeper. It doesn't necessarily have to be upbeat or have lyrics that are entirely positive. If the lyrics hint at some of the same things I'm feeling, sometimes that's enough.
The Waiting

On Saturday I was cleaning the house while listening to the radio when this song came on. Although the verses are in the context of a romantic relationship, it was the chorus that hit home for me. Waiting seems to be my life these days. And I have to agree, it is the hardest part.

It was interesting also to see this clip about how Tom Petty came to write The Waiting. Sometimes even rock stars get stuck and spend some time waiting before that little bit of a tune stuck in their heads becomes a hit.

So, it was The Waiting that got me hooked on a Tom Petty theme for this Musical Monday, and I found that there were a handful of his other songs that fit pretty well for me right now.
Runnin' Down a Dream

The Waiting is always easier when you know what dream you're running down. The real challenge is when your working on a mystery, the vague outline of a dream you can't quite pin down. That's when you have to remember there ain't no easy way out, stand your ground, and say, "I Won't Back Down."

Once you've learned to stand your ground, it's time to move on to other skills, like
Learning to Fly

I've heard it said that landing is the hardest part of flying a plane. (Heh, not just coming down. Gravity will take care of that, but landing safely is another matter.) I don't know if that's true from the pilot's perspective, but being able to land safely, whether at the planned time and place or setting down in an emergency, is this passenger's biggest concern. Have I mentioned before that I prefer ground travel? Preferably with me at the wheel? I don't like that feeling of not being in control. It's also hard to maintain that sense of control if you don't know where you're heading.
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out, for God knows where
I guess I'll know when I get there.

A little shift in perspective can help with that.
Stories We Could Tell

So if you're on the road tracking down here every night
And you're singin' for a livin' 'neath the brightly colored lights
And if you ever wonder why you ride this carousel
You did it for the stories you could tell
And oh the stories we could tell

I bet you have some stories to tell, too. I know I do. Here's to running down your dreams, standing your ground, learning to fly, and all those stories you could and will tell. I hope it makes the waiting easier.


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Waiting is just part of the build up though right? Today, I introduced myself to teachers who will soon be my coworkers. Want to know something amazing? In their eyes, I didn't see judgement or scorn, I saw acceptance and maybe a little pity... Then I saw smiles. For some reason, it felt like my wait was over. My mom used to say, "Never pray for patience because the only way to attain patience is to have it tested." I think we are getting some serious practice in the "building patience" department.

  2. Thanks for this musical journey, this glimpse into your past, this snapshot of your present. This reminder that waiting doesn't have to be passive. Just what I needed at this moment. Thanks, Jenni.
